Police recovered four bullet-riddle bodies in capital's
Mirpur area early Monday.
The identities of the deceased could not be known. But, police suspect them
as saboteurs.
Mirpur Model Thana sub-inspector Masud Parvez said, someone made a phone call
at the Police Station around 1am and informed that three men carrying petrol
bombs were beaten up by a mob.
On information, a police team went to Kazipara area and rescued them in a
critical condition.
Later, they were rushed to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) where the
on-duty doctor declared them dead.
The three bodies bore bullet injuries, hospital sources said.
In another incident, police rescued a youth with bullet wounds from Mirpur's
Technical intersection on Sunday night.
He was rushed to DMCH where he died around 2am.
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Feb 23
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