Lifestyle news - Season Change Woes

There are plenty of illnesses that can be picked up during season changes. It's better to be prepared so there are no nasty fevers to sour the joy of the new season.
If you start feeling a cold at the back of your throat don't ignore it. Cut it off at its roots and don't let it grow. Gurgle with salt water twice a day. Have some mild hot water with honey. Don't reach for the medicine unless you actually get a fever or a cold. Use homemade remedies when you get the feeling you'll be sick.
If you start feeling feverish take a nice bath in lukewarm water. If you're asthmatic or prone to breathing problems make sure your house is properly dusted. This is the season where you're at the most danger of an asthma attack. These are some tips that you can use to fend off unwanted illnesses -
This probably goes without saying. If you are properly hydrated throughout the day then nothing can touch you. Fluids transports nutrients and flush out harmful toxins. Stock up on different types of tea. There are so many flavours nowadays. You can never go wrong with the classic black tea as well. Green tea is also highly recommended.
You don't have to spend thousands of taka on a gym membership. If you live near a park go jogging for 40 minutes in the mornings or early evenings. You don't even have to jog, take a leisurely stroll and enjoy some music on your iPod.  This can do you a world of good. It improves your mood, relieves stress, burn calories, etc. Make this a routine. Do it at least four times a week.
Add fruits and cut down on sugar. Don't cut it down altogether but keep it to a minimum. Replace them with healthy foods. This is one type of food you can pig out on. Take as many helpings of this as you please.
Now you're ready to take on the new season. May the force be with you.


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