lifestyle News - Love me (not)

When we think of abusive relationships, we tend to immediately imagine domestic violence, constant screaming, and a tear-stained existence. We are not undermining the seriousness of physically abusive relationships. That being said, these days it seems "abuse" is an entirely different ball game. At the most superficial level, relationships these days are all about the abuse of money and power, from both sexes.
Love can get complicated, and is not always perfect, nor do we expect it to be. But when you love, love honestly or not at all.
So whether you are looking for love or you think you've found it, watch out for the following specimens who really don't respect the concept of love.
The gold digger
Both male and female, the gold diggers scope out the goods in social gatherings - the branded goods and occupations of the mums and dads, that is. If they like what they see, they enquire on the existence and relationship statuses of their offspring. If all the requirements are satisfied, the gold digger begins his or her hunt on the unsuspecting offspring.
Gold diggers take lots of effort with their appearance, following the basic concepts of a Venus Flytrap, a bright and gorgeous flower that eats up bugs which come close to it. Gold diggers don't worry too much about whether they will like their prey. When there's a lot of money, the love comes naturally.
The trophy wife hunter
He's looking for a wife who has all the right educational credentials, to be stacked away in his trophy shelf. She won't be allowed to do anything much with her life save keeping herself nice and shiny. The reality is, she probably intimidates him a little and he doesn't want her out running the world. The trophy wife hunter is happiest when his trophy gains weight, has a few kids and becomes a hermit.
The conditional lover
For the conditional lover, love is everything when it's at their service. Conditional lovers usually consist of teenagers, and those who never really graduated from high school drama. They're finicky and demanding at one moment, and lovey-dovey goodness at the next. Conditional lovers usually create the most fuss on social media regarding their love, and are often seen friending and unfriending their significant other depending on the timing of their fights. They love Valentine's Day, anniversaries and birthdays, and any other day when they get a lot of attention. 
The ornamentary parents
These are the worst kind of people out there, who abuse the notion of love in its purest form, the love and adoration parents receive from their children. They are mostly young couples who are bored with each other after their big, fat wedding and think having a baby will be “fun”, without considering whether they are mature enough to handle one. The poor kids are undernourished, carried around by teenage maids in social events, and are miserable during their loud birthday parties at Radisson - but have excellent coordinated outfits with their hot mums.   


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