Science and Technology news - Press start: how to write a newsgame

The first European Newsgames Hackathon in full  swing in Cologne, Germany.
Next week the Guardian is co-hosting a newsgame jam at the Rezzed games festival. Here are a few pointers for anyone new to interactive journalism. The first European Newsgames Hackathon in full swing in Cologne, Germany.
Last year in Germany, the games studio A Good Evil got together with the Cologne game lab to organise a two-day newsgame hack. Media companies from all over Europe were invited over to join coders, form teams and create short, simple video games around current affairs issues. The Guardian was there, joining in with the fascinating experiment in interactive journalism.
This year, we’re going a step further, teaming up with the Rezzed games festival to help run and judge a news game jam. Taking place in London next week, the jam will run over the course of the event, challenging teams to design games, based around a story from Thursday’s paper. We’ll then take a look at the entries on Friday, with judges from co-sponsor Creative Assembly as well as the Guardian.
As a primer, here’s a quick guide to the art of writing newsgames, written with the help of Tomas Rawlings from Auroch Digital in Bristol, a studio that has worked on several of its own interactive news titles, such as Endgame: Syria and NarcoGuerra.

Choose the right subject

“You need to choose a topic where you can deliver something that the linear media cannot or is not,” says Rawlings. This may be a local story that you know a lot about and isn’t getting coverage elsewhere, or a big story that you feel could be explored through a game.
“Most people producing news games right now are amateurs rather than journalists,” says Rawlings. “There was one produced recently around the situation in Ukraine, it was just an Angry Birds-style game where you’re throwing things at various political figures. It was quite fun, more of a satirical cartoon than a news game, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”
It’s also important to bear development process in mind. If the story is going to pass in a couple of days, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to produce a game in time.

Make the most of interactivity

“It’s all about replayability,” says Rawlings. “Games can put you in the shoes of someone you’re not. The idea behind Endgame: Syria was that there are lots of different competing factions, so the player can take one set of decisions, see the outcome, then take another.”

Choose the right platform

“If you want rapid dessiminaton, the web is still the best way,” says Rawlings. Some form of Javascript or HTML 5 is the best bet at the moment. We’ve developed smart phone apps, but the Apple App Store takes seven days. The Android store is better, you can pass something through in a couple of hours, but the web is immediate.”
“The problem with HTML 5 is, it’s a comparatively new protocol. There are packages like GameMaker: Studio that would allow you to make something comparatively quickly, but it’s still very tech heavy. That’s one of the issues.”
“If you’re not a developer, ideally you should find one to work with. Otherwise you need to re-engineer something that’s already out there. Loads of people publish free Java Script tutorials – in fact, the game that the Guardian’s writer made at the News Hackathon, took a Flappy Bird tutotrial from the web and re-engineered it as something else. News does that all the time – news takes popular catchphrases and uses them to make a catchy headline. Using popular tropes is a way to communicate with people.”
There’s also the interactive story creator, Twine, but Rawlings wants to see the development of tools that can help journalists with no experience of coding to produce a news game within a couple of hours.

Market it though social media and on game sites

“There’s a still a novelty factor to newsgames,” says Rawlings. “If you wrote an essay about Prism on your blog, it’s going to be hard to get traction unless you’re saying something remarkable. But if you did a game about Prism, that’s unusual.
“There are plenty of sites like Kongregate where you can post HTML objects, so you can explore those. Also, social media is very important. Even though we we couldn’t distribute Endgame: Syria on the Apple App Store, we had a version on Facebook, we had an Android version, we had a free download version on sites like Indiecade. You need to distribute widely.”

Be prepared to defend your work

“When you make a newsgame you into into a whole new world of controversy,” says Rawlings. “When we released Endgame, we had people telling us that we were clearly on the side of the regime because the game was difficult so we were trying to put people off siding with the rebels; then we had people saying that, because you play on the rebel side, the game is pro-rebel.
“So you hit all those journalistic issues to do with bias, but then you also hit the issue of it being a game. That happened a lot with Narco – people said ‘how dare you treat this serious issue as a game’. You have to be prepared to stand by your work, even more than if you’d have written a song or an essay. You need to say, no, a game can be sensitive to the material.”


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